Friday, June 12, 2009

Colour of Happiness? Is that any at the first place?

I was telling a friend just a few hours ago that I am into this series of kimmi dolls figures.
Been searching for this particular doll character which represents Happiness.
I don't seem to be able to find this doll named Kioko everywhere I goes!
I guess it's not meant to be or the timing is just not right perhaps since I am indeed yet to find my real happiness in my life in terms of the Special Half. Thus, after a few futile searches,
I gave up and decided that if this doll is meant to be mine, someday, somehow I will see her again. So much about this character, Kioko! Apparently, the character short notes attached: proclaims that : " Her spirit brings fulfillment and pleasure!"

Check out:

Oh well, I believe that I have this thing about Japanese dolls since I was at a tender age.
NOt so much into the virtues or spiritual aspect of what each doll represent.
Now that I am earning my own $, I suppose I can work towards collecting 1-2 dolls each year till the day I amass a group of say 10 perhaps to be displayed at my very own apartment 5-10 years down the time? I shall keep my fingers crossed!

Anyway, back to the question on colour of happiness this frenz just posed to me

"Oh, so what is the colour of happiness?" he asked innocently?

" Hmm," I replied sheepishly. " I can't rem the exact colour of this happiness doll but it really
depends on one's preferences perhaps?"

" Haha, into yet another philosophical question? Oh well..." he said.

This was how the conversation ended but this sets me thinking..
Interesting .. Colour of Happiness..
Based on the Kioko colour, they seem to be black and red..
Is this because red is usually an auspicious colour for many?
Anyway, IMO, I feel that the colour of happiness is transient and mood-dependent.
Someday, wearing a blue top just simply makes your day without any particular reason..It's just an undescribable feeling or gut feeling you had that morning. Or perhaps wearing a colour that complements well with your skin colour and thus bringing out the best in you can also be considered as your colour of happiness. YOu know, those typical spring, summer, autumn n winter colour styles..warm/cool colours... the list goes on.

All in all, i guess all I have to say is that to sum up, colour of happiness whatever it is depends on the person concerned and of cos the moods felt then. Like the typical saying about life being not just 2 distinct black or/and white but with the many shades of grey too. This applies to the colour of happiness too.


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