Monday, May 22, 2006

My 100th post..Facets of Life

Darkness or Light... May it Be...
A promise lives within me now. To get on with life...
All aint lost... the Emptiness of Life*...
So tell me what have u lost if everything is transient.. Nothing.
Contentment in life...


Our truest life is when
we are in our dream awake


Wisdom tells me I am nothing.
Love tells me I am everything.
And between the two my Life flows.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj

*We live in illusion and the appearance of things
There is a Reality.
You are that Reality.
Seeing this, you know that you are everything.
And being everything, you are Nothing.
That is all

~Kalu Rinpoche


At 8:47 PM, Blogger S said...

There is one verse from the Heart Sutra, directly translated emptiness is colour, colour is emptiness. After pondering, I came to the conclusion that colour can affect our mood, but we can choose to ignore the effect of colour. It all depends on our perception. Hmm, this is my interpretation only. I'm not sure what is the real meaning behind the Sutra.

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, if colour can affect our mood, and as such we are already affected consciously or subconciously, directly or indirectly, how can the effect of colour then be ignored?

Talking about perception, it is actually more of a matter of perspective. How should we understand the notion that emptiness is colour and colour is emptiness? It has to do with going there and coming back again. If we can only see colour as colour, but not from another perspective, then it means that we are too attached to colour as a concept. But if we are not attached to it, then it is emptiness. Hence, in the buddhistic sense, colour refers to materialism. That is why monks and nuns have to be liu gen qing jing. In that case, does emptiness stays as emptiness such that the world is immaterial? No, if it is such, then it means that we are attached to the concept of emptiness as well. Emptiness does not mean nothingness. Rather, emptiness in the buddhistic world means non-attachment. To someone who has reached enlightenment, colour and emptiness are the same. He cannot be attached to either one of them. An enlightened person will still serve the people and the world around him, but he is not attached to the people nor the world. Hence, someone who has reached enlightenment is akin to a person who has been there and come back again.

Buddha or no-buddha? Everything is buddha and everything is no-buddha.

Is Buddha there? Buddha is everwhere. Is Buddha everywhere then? Buddha is not there at all. Buddha is everywhere

At 11:18 PM, Blogger ChelleLyn Pehiya said...

Wow..what profound,thought provoking comments.. Thks for correcting my mis-interpretatn.
Read tis from a Buddhism CD,Awaken.
So Emptiness equates Non-attachment.I understand tis from the cd..trying one's best to be non-attached to anything is indeed the toughest..let alone the basic of not being too obsessed with understanding n applying this emptiness concept in daily life.. correct me if i am wrong..I dun quite get all that abt everything's buddha..everything's non-buddha..somewhat conflicting..


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