Friday, December 09, 2005

...True Dreams...

Don't put off living until tomorrow.
Don't be afraid to dream some time away.
Dont look too far ahead
Don't look back with regret;
Just look with hope to the horizon of today
Don't be afraid to reach your goal,
No matter how distant it may seem.
And don't be surprised if you succeed.
The truly special people in this world, The ones who reach their dreams,
Are the ones who do the things they really want to do
Don't be one of the many.. Be one of the few

- Collin Mccarty

i shall work towards tis in my life..
Way 2 go, ger :)

Yet another thought-provoking email from Daily OM, Nurturing Mind, Body & Spirit..
Does set me thinking.
Wat Do i ultimately want out of this union/partnership?
Am I ready for it after all?

After tat heart2heart talk, I am seriously sitting down to ponder and think through.. I must admit that rite after exams, I was so caught up with my DB training and gearing up for race & Penang trip with fellow ntu-phoenix gals that I didn't really give my private me some attention..All in all, I ve been neglected my inner me..the voice within..Tat's most prob why my body almost couldn't take it anymore with the recurrence of old injury etc.

I suppose tis is high time for me to ponder and reply 2 u-noe-who in an email over the wkend. ESp since there is no official DB training @ kallang from now till end of Dec.. though I certainly still need 2 maintain my physique and stamina through personal OST if i lazy 2 travel down 2 boon lay from HG..

Tat thought-provoking Daily OM article..

Power Of Union
Entering Into Partnership
The purpose of partnership is to create something greater than we can create alone. Not because of any deficiency or incompleteness in us, but because each of us is unique, with our own talents and abilities, and in partnership we increase the efforts and talents available for creating something meaningful together.

All partnerships, whether romantic, creative, or professionally-based, can be powerful relationships for personal growth. In partnership we harness the power of union.

It is important to choose our partnerships consciously. Sometimes forged quickly during times of need, we may find ourselves rushing into unions with perhaps not the clearest intentions. Partnerships created from those starting point might serve our immediate needs, but the repercussions of a union so quickly fostered without much thought can be difficult to recover from. Granted, there is something to learn from every relationship, but looking to another to fix or complete us can turn a partnership into a dependent bond.

If we can stay clear about what we want and what we need in a partnership, while staying grounded and remembering that we are our own source of happiness and fulfillment, we can create partnerships that support and enhance the best of who we are.
Everyone in our lives is a mirror reflecting back the parts we love and dislike about ourselves. If we have the courage to recognize our reflections in each other, we can grow through our partnerships.

A partnership that offers both acceptance of who we are and an opportunity for personal transformation can be fertile ground for growing a healthy, lasting union. When we find this kind of partnership, we are more likely to want to keep it, invest in it, and nurture it. Life is a collaborative effort. Much of what we do can be enhanced through partnership.

Together we are stronger because our personal power is multiplied by two. Through partnership we experience the joys of working, living, and loving together.