Thursday, August 30, 2007

End of yet another Temp Job.. Jumprope Pgm

Today marks the closure of my temp job... JUMPrope Pgm @ BSSS...
Full of mixed feelings on this last day of work
... Happy that I can focus wholeheartedly on my FYP n sch now...
... Sad cos I am going to miss them.. Sob..Sob.. esp when I am getting to know my participants much better, creating much rapport..when more can be done to touch lives.. Then it's the end of job.. Reality of life.. Nothing is forever.. Not even Love, IMO.. Hmm.. But then some of them can be really playful at times, nonetheless they mean no real harm, anyway, aint they just kids... Patience... I certainly need to work on this aspect more... To become a very patient educator... Honestly.. This is a virtue I need to inculcate more in myself in order to tide through all the storms in my family, personal and career choices. I have chosen a path few would take and Only I can go through this challenging journey of mindgame with my very self.. of cos with my unwavering strong friend support and encouragements spurring me on. I am really glad to ve such pool of true friends.. A friend in need is a friend indeed. However, I too have had my fair share of pretentious and hypocritical "friends" too..

... Disappointed too at times as I have failed to reach out to some of those bochap,AP students whom I should ve tried my best but too late.. A great learning point for me though.
... Relieved as I am at last out of all the touchy.. working politics issues "saga" I may ve unwittedly entangled myself into... Or Perhaps.. He just simply can't stand my working style or look??? Who noes.. Haha.. Who cares anyway now that my job's done, though my pay aint cashed in yet.. so.. Oops.. I better watch what I am saying...
... Contented n pleased with myself... I have proved my point. or at least my frenzs wrong... A test of my patience and faith.. Learning to be giving unconditionally without even the expectation of appreciation from the recipients..( Honestly, this aspect is tough.. Really takes alot for one to be so giving and understanding).. At least, I noe I am more in control of my emotions. Work and emotions must never mix.. at least for me to be focused. Such working relationship can be really testing at times when ur partner dun see your point and your constraints faced when the higher authority always may seem to ve something against you... Or perhaps I am just being oversensitive. Our working rapport was further strained by our past experiences and collaborations.. Nonetheless.. despite of our past and difference, we did what we had to and our job had at least, I am certain of .. accomplished to the best of our abilities.
In addition, I have learned much about event planning and organisation.. No plan is foolproof, nothing beat this job when all your prior plan fell through when therewere times of poor communication and coordination with all concerned parties..Time and Logistics pblm had also been the other major limiting factors.

All in all, Time to close this chapter of my working experience and look forward to what my future beholds for me...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

[MV] Jay Chou - A Secret I Cannot Tell (不能说的秘密)

Secret to making a relationship last... Or the deepest part of us.. We never wanna reveal... To each..his or her definition... Heard that this is a pretty nice movie.. But wat a pity.. No one to watch with... Little Gracie went with her frenzs... Kinda of weird to watch it alone..Nvm.. Patience.. Shall wait for the dvd to be out as the next to add to my collection...

What makes Relationship Last... ... I wonder... ...

A pretty tough question..
Open-ended without a definite right or wrong answer as it all boils down to one's definition of relationship... This can be a parent-child, teacher-student, romantic kind or just purely platonic friendship... So actually what makes relationship last? I decided to go google it and here is what I found so far... Interesting answers found thus far...

think the key to being in a relationship is to be able to go with the flow of things. Every human being is a dynamic in nature. As is any relationships that they get into. Things are never constant and always changing. That is the one real constant in life. If you're the type of person who can run with the changes and if you're with someone you really care about who can also do the same, I think that the relationship will work out fine. A relationship is all about caring about someone. Each person giving and taking a little here and there. It's not about one person, nor is it about how much people love one another. Sure, love is important, but compatibility and being able to change and grow together is more.
- LISA BROWN... @ forums page..

Steve Perry pointed out yesterday that relationships aren’t a matter of finding a perfect mirror image of self. They are more in the nature of completing yourself, finding someone who can teach you and show you things about yourself you could not find on your own. Couldn’t agree more.Still, the basic point remains: unless you would consider yourself attractive, it is unrealistic to expect others to be attracted to you. Saying that “the person inside me” is attractive, wonderful, spiritual, loving…is a beautiful act of faith. Learning to express that person so that others can see him, well, that’s a little tougher. The same point of view would lead us to seeing everyone as wonderful, spiritual, loving…deep inside. And so I believe we are. But how many of us have that kind of vision?
- Steve Barnes... Excerpt from his blog=

I totally second Lisa's take on going with the flow of things, IMO... adaptability.. Life is dynamic indeed..whether we like it or not.. Changes are everywhere all the time as we progress. Eureka... My final answer to the question above is "The ability to change and grow together" accepting, complementing one another and completing one another's equation in life towards a holistic way of living and loving perhaps.. This is what make Relationships of all kinds last...IMO..

Honestly... This question initially had left me dumbfounded for a while especially when such question had been asked by a nonchalant frenz who loves his freedom and personal space very so much..perhaps he...IMO... He might be diagnosed as commitment phobic or even? (Nonetheless, I must give him his due credit for his commitment to family though).. Haha..It all depends.. Hmm.. who knows... perhaps only in my eyes... He might just behave so different in front of other females etc... After all, we have simply known each other too well... To the extent that we are numb to the flaws of each other after so long... Acceptance and Mutual Tolerance bah.. in the name of friendship or social partnership... Pls dun be mistaken.. We too have had our shares of disagreements and unhappy experiences communicating or even working with each other.
So after dwelling so much on the question, I decided to post the question back to the very one who asked.. Guess what was his given answer?? A politically sound one of cos.. nothing new... " I don't know."

Coming to think more about it, perhaps this question not that unexpected though..cos we were talking about our envision or goal in life at least for the next few years as we approach the Big 3os... in our lifetime... I ended up sharing briefly about how I see myself to be a teacher commited to her work and students. This will most prob be my central focus of life for the next 5 years...Seeking a lasting Relationship is probably too complex and mind-boggling for someone like me who is still moving on slowly yet steadily from past experiences... The pain had become numb by now... with much lessons learnt about life.. Patience.. Forgiveness.. Acceptance of truth.

Too much for me to juggle too while copin with my calling in life.. To teach is to touch lives... with unconditional love for my students... Have learnt much about unconditional love in recent years when it is all about giving help and love willingly without seeking appreciation... If there is to be, it feels Good to be appreciated by others but even when there isnt any, this is just a way of life with all kinds of people... Certainly not all will be appreciative... After all... To give.. To paying it forward... Perhaps one fine day, many many years down the road, the whole cycle of giving and helping might have expanded so widely that some day it comes back to you.. As you know.. What comes around goes around... How true...

Imagination To Spice up Life.. So never stop imagining..

Being a teacher to be..
I envision to become one who can encourage my young learners to tap on their imagination and
enjoy the learning journey... ESp before the reality of life and its harsh facts suck out life and hope in them.. Patience, Faith and Youth is the way to go.. to enliven their childhood and shape their young minds... So let them be as imaginative as they can be... but of course within the constraints of the school settings and my abilities.. So go on, boys and girls.. Imagine what will be like if rainbow can one day melt like ice and sprinkle down as coloured streaks of rays and water droplets.. Hmm.. Read on... Let Ms Joanne Schaff enlighten us...

Can you Imagine

Can you imagine
A rainbow in the sky,
Melting like raindrops
Way up high?
And when the coloured
Raindrops fall,
They paint the grass, the trees
And all.

Then all the boys and girls
Will see
yellow grass,
A purple tree,
Red and blue splatters
On you and me!
Bright-coloured insects
Of orange and pink.
Would you like those oranges?
What do you think?

Can you imagine
How a rainbow would taste?
Like juicy orange slices,
Strawberry jello,
Icy, green sherbet
And ice cream that's yellow.

Can you imagine
How a rainbow would sound.
When it shimmers and twinkles
Then hits the ground?
With a plop and squish
Each colour would splatter;
Then melt into puddles
And droplets of water

_________________________Joanne Schaff___________________________

Hmm.. Any interesting yet simple poem for all young learners too..
Imagine if this was to be true, how are our views and perspective of rainbow going to be like?...
More varied, I suppose... To each his own..To me.. It would be a phemoneon of all time by Mother Nature, perhaps..

High School Musical - We're All In This Together

We're All in This Together.. The Journey of Life.. Folks... Way to go, pals...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry MUSIC VIDEO

Simply Lovin it...
Movin on steadily...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Yet another Hectic Semester! Good Luck :)

In the blink of an eye, 2007 will come to a close in a couple of months' time as my life become hectic and full of events.. school assignments.. tons of them.. countless project works now that Year 4 Sem 1 has commenced... But with positive thinking and regular destressing routine ( running and gym workout), I have the faith that I can survive through. Jiayou!!

As I look at my daily planner of events, Oh my god.. Time to be a Little SuperHero Gal..
Nov will be an exceptionally XXiong mth for me.. In fact, the highlight of this second half of the year as it is the month of:

- my birthday...03 Nov... Haiz.. how to celebrate..
Dear kaki..cyn ..Ly..Meiyi.. paiseh.. need to postpone till late Nov liao..

- Deadline of 05 Nov... countless assignments with high weightage...CCE..CCM..CED etc meaning that they make or break my grades.

- my dajie's big day.. should be still on-going... thank god, at last she is on the road to speedy recovery.. auspicious 17 Nov
( I would definitely be extremely busy helping out, being her bridemaid...)

- Last examination paper of my NIE BSc deg... CAB430 Biotechnology.. my last mugging of the next few years..Unless I try to be smar aleck again, furthering my studies to a Master deg... Needless to say, completing my 4 yrs bond to education is my top priority upon graduation.
Guess what day is it, 20 Nov, just 3 days after my dajie's wedding day.. Wish me luck ... Must be disciplined this final time to revise early.

-CCE Written Response Paper ( In short, written test that will be graded)

-FYP Report Submission... 22 Nov...
-FYP Poster Presentation... 29 Nov... The final verdict after mths of sweat and tears even towards the completion of challenging yet intriguing project I have.

What a spread issit? Typically of an average Singaporean..
Life in SG is always so eventful and fast-paced? It depends... I reckon it all boils down to time management.. Something I need to work on constantly to better manage my life...
Hmm.. I realise I have matured much over the past few mths and overcome the countless adversities last year... Adversity builds characters indeed.. No doubt, some of those decisions I have made back then last year are still here to stay, cos oops.. I can be quite a stubborn gal who want to test things out with time... I have no regrets even if the outcome is not to my favour... I am sure this will be a learning process for me too towards acceptance of truth, patience and paying it forward. I am just following my heart and mind, of course not forgetting that I need to be pragmatic and be a loving friend to myself.

After all, Life's about choices...
To be or not to be... It is your take..